永利学术报告:Achieving the Targets of Sustainable Development Goal-6 through Research and Development
报告题目: Achieving the Targets of Sustainable Development Goal-6 through Research and Development
报告人:Veeriah Jegatheesan(Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University)
报告人简介:Veeriah Jegatheesan,澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学(RMIT)教授。Jega对膜生物反应器、海水淡化和矿山尾矿池处理的应用进行了广泛的研究。Jega的工作吸引了超过150万美元的研究和咨询基金。另外,他对消毒过程中生物膜生长和脱落模型、循环水产养殖系统、洗车废水处理及回用也有一定建树。
The 17 Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs) are the continuation of 8 Millennium Development Goals and were developed by the United Nations with the support of member nations and international organisations. One of the important SDGs is SDG-6 which is aimed at “Ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”. Utilising alternative water resources such as rain/storm water, treated wastewater and desalinated water along with freshwater resources leading to integrated water management is essential to sustain the freshwater reserves. This presentation will discuss how research and development can contribute to sustain freshwater reserves through zero-liquid discharge (ZLD) and resource recovery. Our technologies, utilising membranes along with physico-chemical and biological processes, which can be applied in industries such as agriculture, aquaculture, textile, mining and carwash will be introduced. They will contribute to integrated water management through which SDG-6 goals can be realised. Other technologies to harvest stormwater for urban greening and aquifer recharge will also be evaluated. How the success in achieving SDG-6 targets will help to full-fill the targets of other SDGs will also be considered in the presentation.
Keywords: Freshwater reserves; Integrated water management; Membranes; Sustainable development goals (SDGs); Zero-liquid discharge (ZLD)